Why wouldn't you rather become a doctor, a farmer or a fashionista and profusely give away a potential part of yourself in the escalation of the ever-evolving society! Why not just go for money and fame? Why not just start dancing on the dais rather than pulling the curtains behind? Why would anyone want to be a writer, indeed! Know why? Simply because you don't have a choice. Because your thoughts are in a dire need to be spilled out. Because your voice is craving to reach out. Because there is always a story rattling around in your head. Because you want to seize unpredictability in every jot of ink. Because it's a euphoria that increases your heartbeat and gives you goosebumps. Because you own your own universe and you are the creator of magnificent tales, those that plummet right into the hearts of gazillions. Because although you wish you had been built differently, you quite like to go on this arduous marathon every day. And for me, eventually, it's al...